A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water (Eleanor Roosevelt) I don't do fashion, I am fashion (Coco Chanel) Imagination is more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein) If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run the walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward (Martin Luther King)sometimes the object of the journey is not all about the end but the journey itself(fortune magic cookies)

best buy on february

Feb 18, 2010

mulai sekarang gw akan meng-abadi-kan beberapa fashion item yang (menurut gw) adalah best buy yang bisa gw beli atau gw dapetin tiap bulannya. gw pengen tiap barang-barang yang gw beli ada history-nya, so some times if I review them, I can get some memories about my fashion path and maybe laugh on them.

why I take so many attentions on these? because I feel like fashion things flow in my blood. I can't handle my lips not to talk about it and my eyes not to stare at these all. I want that everyone who see these can enjoy what I saw and felt. LOL.

here, my february best buy fashion items:

stripes broken white blazer from secondhand market

semi oxford heels, only just Rp. 45.000,- from random shop (oh so so happy!)

gw belom sempet make blazernya soalnya baru abis di kecilin. ukurannya kegedean pas beli . haha but it didn't break my lust to buy it. and shoes is really fit with my size. love them. see ya!