A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water (Eleanor Roosevelt) I don't do fashion, I am fashion (Coco Chanel) Imagination is more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein) If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run the walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward (Martin Luther King)sometimes the object of the journey is not all about the end but the journey itself(fortune magic cookies)

fun, fun, fun photoshoots!

Feb 3, 2010

2 minggu yang lalu gw dan temen-temen seperjuangan (yang ngerasa punya PASSION sama haha) ngadain beberapa photoshoot dadakan, iseng tapi niat. idenya sih berawal dari keinginan kita-kita buat belajar fotografi (meskipun sebenernya yang punya kamera cuma 2 orang hihi) sampe akhirnya malah berkembang jadi beberapa konsep yang ciamik.

this is it!

conceptor: Pepito Praptowahyono
photographer: Pepito Praptowahyono & Heru Wijaya

art director & fashion stylist: Ayu Wulantari
make up: Ade Irma Stefi & Ghege Raida
location: Pasar Keluarga Jambi
stefi: denim jacket, mango BW leopard top, black skinny jeans, ankle shoes, bangle
ghege: leopard top, denim vest, high waist jeans, black skinny jeans, red necklace

conceptor: Ayu Wulantari
photographer: Pepito Praptowahyono & Heru Wijaya
art director & fashion stylist: Ayu Wulantari
make up: Ade Irma Stefi & Ghege Raida

location: Lapangan Golf Jambi
stefi: stipe beach dress, green knit cardigan, yellow flatshoes
ghege: floral dress, red necklace, velvet flatshoes, black belt

konseptor: Pepito Praptowahyono
fotografer: Pepito Praptowahyono & Heru Wijaya
art director & fashion stylist: Ayu Wulantari

make up: Ade Irma Stefi & Ghege Raida

location: Old House, Broni
stefi: fringe top, white tee, Zara black blazer, high waist pant, ankle shoes, leopard scraf
ghege: white loose shirt, black tanktop, acid wash jeans, converse, fedora

it was totally an unforgetable photoshoot with a great collaboration. everyone knew their own proportion and had their totality but still could enjoy every minutes of it. satu kata yang paling tepat buat project ini, F-U-N!
I am gonna miss u, guys. semoga deh kita bisa kumpul-kumpul lagi ASAP on next projects! xoxo