we have a similiar kinda situation. dimana kita sama-sama telah sendirian selama enam bulan ini.
saya sendiri literally baik-baik saja. saya enak makan, saya bisa tidur nyenyak, saya tertawa, saya tersenyum, saya menggendut, saya menggerutu, saya bergaul, saya bernyanyi, saya bergerak. so, everything looks like going well, doesn't it? yeah, it still looks like.
yah. saya juga punya banyak temen-temen yang baik, keluarga yang peduli dan berbagai aktifitas kecil yang seringkali bisa membantu saya lupa akan kesendirian saya. tetapi ketika ada sedikit saja celah, rasa itu pasti mendatangi ruang kosong disini (nunjuk dada. blah). and unfortunately, it could happen everytime, everywhere. also when i was getting along with a crowd. saya merasa (sangat) kehilangan sesuatu, milik saya dulu.
ini bukan pertama kali saya sendiri. bahkan saya pernah sendiri dalam kurun waktu yang lebih lama. tapi kali ini rasanya beda. nelangsa. sesuatu yang tidak bisa saya terima. saya benar-benar mentok.
Sometimes I get tired of this me first attitude
You are the one thing that keeps me smiling
That's why I'm always wishing hard for you
'Cause your life shines so bright
I don't feel no solitude
You are my first star at night
I'd be lost in space without you
Feels just so fine
When we touch the sky me and you
This is my idea of heaven
Why can't it always be so good ?
But it's alright, I know you're out there
Doing what you've gotta do
You are my soul satellite
I'd be lost in space without you
(Lost in Space - Lighthouse Family)
You are the one thing that keeps me smiling
That's why I'm always wishing hard for you
'Cause your life shines so bright
I don't feel no solitude
You are my first star at night
I'd be lost in space without you
Feels just so fine
When we touch the sky me and you
This is my idea of heaven
Why can't it always be so good ?
But it's alright, I know you're out there
Doing what you've gotta do
You are my soul satellite
I'd be lost in space without you
(Lost in Space - Lighthouse Family)
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