A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water (Eleanor Roosevelt) I don't do fashion, I am fashion (Coco Chanel) Imagination is more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein) If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run the walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward (Martin Luther King)sometimes the object of the journey is not all about the end but the journey itself(fortune magic cookies)

my bestfriend's wedding

May 1, 2010

okay, let say that i should write this post last month (shamed on me, i am totally like a lazy ass!). and this afternoon i got a slap (wo hoo) when recieved a short message from her, my pretty newlyweds, Eka, that she is PREGNANT! OMG. i am so going soon-to-be-an-auntie and i have not posted anything from her wedding party!

Eka Purnawati or echun is one of my closest friend and she became the first-bride-bestfriend among us( dea, tari, dodo, ghege, tata, anggi). honestly, i got no surprised when she told that she decided to marriage in her young age. she is quite mature and a positive thinker about her future. i am really sure that she can handle everything!
and finally, on april 2nd 2010, she was officially becoming a wife. alhamdulillah. so happy for you! :)

i upload some pics from the ceremony who be taken by dea and tari. here they are!

the pretty bride, echun, with our brownie-package-gift ;p

so proud of you!

after ijab kabul, can you see her big smile? :D

kebaya and tante rita's songket. looking so gorgeous with those!

suddenly become 'messed up' wedding singers with cindai as our favourite song LOL

who's the next? :)